What is Breeder Seed?


What is Breeder Seed?

It is the progeny of nucleus seed. Generally breeder seed is produced in one stage. But if there is greater demand for breeder seed and there is low seed multiplication ratio then breeders seed can be produced in two stages, viz Breeder stage I and II. In such cases breeder seed, stage I becomes source for breeder Stage II.

Breeder seed can be produced by original breeder, sponsored breeder on Agricultural University farms and rarely on government farm. Breeder seed plots are subjected to joint inspection by a team consisting of crop breeder from other Agricultural Universities in the State, representative of All India Coordinated Research Projects of the crop, National Seeds Corporation, State Seeds Corporation and Divisional Seed Certification Officer. Breeder seed produced should meet all prescribed standards viz. genetic purity (99.9 % more), physical purity (98%) . Germination (as per crop) moisture content (less than 12%). After passing the seed lot, breeder seed tags in buff colour or Golden Yellow are signed by the concerned breeder and tagged to the breeder seed bags size of tag 12X 8 cm.

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