Varieties, Sowing Time, Sowing Method, Seed Rate, Seed Treatment, Spacing and Mixed Cropping in Mustard


Varieties, Sowing Time, Sowing Method, Seed Rate, Seed Treatment, Spacing and Mixed Cropping in Mustard


Punjab bold, Kranti, Varuna, Krishna, Sita etc.

Sowing Time:

Musturd is sown in the months of September – October.

Sowing Method:

1. As mixed crop either sown by broadcasting in the main crop or by drilling method.
2. As pure crop it is sown by drilling method.
3. As seed is small, it is should be sown by mixing with fine sand for uniform spacing.
4. The seed should be sown only upto 5 to 6 cm depth otherwise germination may be gappy.
5. If there is no sufficient moisture in the soil sowing should be done after presoaking irrigation.

Seed Rate:

1. As mixed crop                     –           2 to 2.5 kg/ha.
2. As pure crop                        –           4 to 6 kg/ha.

Seed Treatment:

Seeds are treated by thiram @ 3 gm/kg seed to protect crop form seed diseases.


 45 x 15 cm.

Mixed Cropping:

1. Mustard is grown as mixed crop with wheat, gram, lentil etc.
2. It is generally grown in strip or inter crop.
3. As inter crop 4 lines of gram and 1 line of mustard or 9 lines of wheat and 1 line of mustard are sown.

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