Typing, Printing and Proof Reading


Typing, Printing and Proof Reading

Typing instruction is given to the typists for obtaining a good copy of the material. Following precautions should be taken to obtain a good copy which will enable the printer to print properly an accurately.

1. White thick unruled paper should be used for manuscript. However for typing good quality should be used and typing left= 4 cm, Right= 3 cm/ top and bottom = 3 cm.

2 .The first line of the paragraph should be five spaces from the merging.

3. The general text should be typed in double space. However tables long quotations foot notes figure caption should be single spaced.

4. Correcting should be done by use of erasers or with black ink.

5. From and spacing of the heading should be consistent thoroughly the script. Print instructions are given for obtaining a good print copy of the material. There are many types of printing processes. The important among them are letterpress, lithography, offset. Teleprint etc. the choice of printing process depends on the type and size number of colour involved, time and money available after writing the manuscript the author gives instruction to the typist to obtain a copy for giving to printing. While printing and proof reading symbols are used by the proofreader instruct the printer for correcting the proof.

Proof reading is an important part of editing and even editor must have proficiency in proof reading. It is an art of making correcting in the proofs pulled from a composed matter. This job is completed with the help of sings and symbols, which are marked by a proofreader in a particular manner with the assistance of copyholder. These marks or proof correction symbols are easily understood by a composter too.

A publication full mistake is nothing but only a leap of waste papers and the reader would not show any interest in it. Therefore proof reading is must for publication, if it has been a faultless works. Some of the important rule for the proof correcting is as below:

1. All correction should be made in the margin only such marks should be made in the text which and required to indicate the place to which the correction refers.

2. if any changes is required in a letter on word, it should be struck through and the letter or matter to be substituted should be written in the margin.

3. Special attention should be paid to the checking of scientific manes and numerical data.

4. Words breaking or division at the end of the line should be checked and made to agree with the dictionary or the style manual of a publishing house.

5. Running heads should be read carefully and the continuation from the last of the each page t the head of the next page be properly checked.

6. In the pages carrying illustration the position of the blocks and the accompanying captions should be carefully checked. It is rare that a block in journal has been published upside down or with a wrong caption. Carefully comparisons with text will avoid such ugly situation.

In proof reading certain instruction symbols are used by the proof reader. Usually the printer sends galley proofs (also called as the first proofs), page proofs and engraver’s proofs whenever photography or other illustration are involved, if required revised proofs any stage are sent. In case of high quality of work, the printer provides a dummy, which is also called machine proof or press proof. The galley proof is not divided into pages. Galley is short name of galley proof. It is a single column set in the line width of text and sometimes, as long as 20 to 24 inches. The second’s stage is to be carried out. The other mark is in the margin of page proof, given an idea of what each page will contain and look like. Dummy is the final stage, which represents the printed vision before copes are run off. Proof have to be read letter by letter than words by words. Correction marks are indicated at two places. One marks is within the line and the other mark is in against the corresponding line giving the instructions.

Corrected Specimen :

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A large bar in a man they say is a sign of luck but large or small the ear deserve s all the care you can give it any neglect may mean trouble doctors warm us.

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