Transplanting of Chilli Seedlings
Transplanting of Chilli Seedlings
1. In case of rainfed crop the field is marked at 60 x 60 cm. 75 x 75 cm or 90 x 90 cm spacing on light, medium and heavy soil respectively.
2. At each cross point a pit is dug with help of khurpi and small amount of FYM is applied in each pit.
3. One day before transplanting, the nursery beds are watered in the evening time and in next day morning the seedlings are uprooted carefully without damaging root system.
4. They are dipped in Bordaux mixture and dimethoate solution for protecting them from the attack of diseases as well as insect pests.
5. Two healthy seedlings are planted in each pit.
6. The care should be taken to spread the roots properly.
7. Light irrigation is given after completion of transplanting.
8. In rabi and summer season as irrigated crop, ridges and furrows are prepared at 90 cm apart.
9. Two seedlings are planted at each point on both sides of the ridges at 45 to 60 cm apart depending upon soil type and varieties.