Training approach to Rural Development


Training approach to Rural Development

The training approach is considered to be related to the extension approach. But it has a different basic educational tradition and philosophy, closely related to institutionalized schooling. It emphasis more systematic and deeper learning of specific basic skills and related knowledge. Training programmers involve assembling learners in a training center for a sustained period of instruction. These trained extension workers are rural people. It is based on the assumption that outsiders (extension workers) with superior knowledge and wisdom can help in solving the problems of rural society and lead them on the voyage of modernization.

The Training and Visit system is a good example of training approach. This approach is based on the assumption that there is a gap between average productivity of various crops on the farmer’s fields and the potential. This gap can be minimized by intensive extension efforts. The Training and Visit System involved by Benor. It is being used in most of the developing countries with assistance from the World Bank to reduce the gap.


The basic spirit behind the T and V system is that any land even though, it may not have produced satisfactory crops in the past can be made to yield an optimum crop according to its capacity within the crop season. This can be done provided the farmer can be advised what to do on his own field, step by step according to the stage of crop growth. Thus, the farmers are persuaded to adopt improved agricultural practices for increasing production.

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