Time of Application of Manures and Fertilizers for Horticultural Crops
Time of Application of Manures and Fertilizers for Horticultural Crops
The timing of application of manures and fertilizers must be adjusted in a way so as to make the nutrient available to the tree, when it needs them most. This period obviously, when the tree producing most of the growth flushes and, also during, flowering fruit set and fruit development. It appears desirable that manuring, should, be done before growth flush and as many times as there is a growth flush especially in light soils subject to leaching of plant food.
In short, the application of manures and fertilizers should coincide with growth flushed of a particular tree in that particular locality. As soon as the tree produces new growth either get increased and if the nutritional requirement is not fulfilled of flowers and fruits, hence- plants are supplied with nutrients, immediately after pruning,’ or producing new growth.
Generally most of the crops produces new growth during Jun – July and .January – February as in citrus or January – February as in mango hence application of Manures and Fertilizers, are usually done during June – July and January tc February for the nourishment of new growth.