Systems Approach


Systems Approach

Management practices are developed for individual crops and recommendations are made for individual crops. The residual effects of individual crops are not considered in crop based recommendations in which resources are not utilized efficiently. To a farmer, instead of a crop, land is a unit & mgt. practices should be for all crops that are to be grown on a piece of land. This approach is applied to agriculture for efficient utilization of at resources, maintaining stability in production and obtaining higher net returns. A system consists of several components which depend on each other.

A system is defined as a set of elements or components that are inter related & interacting among themselves.

Farming systems represent an appropriate combination of farm enterprises viz. Cropping system, live stock, poultry, fisheries, forestry, bee keeping, sericulture and the means available to the farmer to raise them for increasing profitability.

They interact adequately with environment without dislocating the ecological & socio-economic balance on the one hand attempt to meet the national goals on the other.

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