Steps in Calendar of Operation
Steps in Calendar of Operation
1. Makes the list of all crops and enterprises on the farm,
2. List of all the operation in serial order from land preparation to harvest,
3. Indicate time limit for each operation,
4. Estimate the labour / bullock pairs required each operation,
5. Finally prepare a consolidated and compressive work schedule.
Determination of Cropping Scheme/ Pattern:
Environment factors that influence the performance of cropping pattern and are not readily modifiable by change in cultural techniques of crop production.
Determination is as Below:
Growth Stage of Crops: Factors influencing growth of crop.
Physiological or Iinternal Factors:
1. Water.
2. Plant nutrient.
3. Hormones.
4. Enzymes.
5. Vitamins
External Factors:
1. Climate Factors:
1. Light:
a) Short Day crops: plant that bloom during short day – Day – length 8 -9 hrs). Day length excess keep the plant vegetable e.g. Soybean, tobacco, sweet potato.
b) Long Day plant: plant that bloom after a period of vegetable growth regardless of the photoperiod. E.g Tomato, Ladys Finger, maize, Cucumber, paddy, Chill, etc.
Classification on the Basis of Photoperiodism:
Combination of Light and Duration:
a) Photo- phallic plant: crop cannot grow without direct sunlight. e.g. Tomato, sunflower.
b) Photo – phallic plant: plant cannot grow well in shady place. E.g Arum,( Cool cassia esculent) moss, Algae.
c) Edaphic factor: i) Soil Moisture ii) Soil Air iii) oil temperature iv) Soil Mineral matter v) Soil organic matter vi) Soil reaction.
d) Biotic Factor- weeds, insect, pest, fungus, and bacteria adversely affect the growth of a crop these called ‘Biotic Factor.