Sowing Time and Sowing Method for Cultivation of Rabi Sorghum


Sowing Time and Sowing Method for Cultivation of Rabi Sorghum

Sowing Time:

1.Rabi Jowar is sown from 15th September to 15th October.
2.Optimum sowing time for un-irrigated rabi jowar is second fortnight of September if there is sufficient moisture in soil for good germination and growth.

Sowing Method:

a) Drilling
b) Dibbling
c) Plough furrow

a) Drilling:

1. Drilling is the most common method of Jowar sowing followed in M.S.
2. The seed is drilled with the help of tiffan.
3. The seed is covered with soil by giving harrowing.
4. The seedrate is about 10 to 12 kg/ha.
5. The spacing is kept 45 cm x 15 cm.
6. Thinning is done 15 days after sowing to maintain plant to plant distance.

b) Dibbling: (Pune Method of Jowar cultivation)

1.  Land is leveled and marked with a maker in both direction.
2.  The spacing is kept 45cm x 45cm.
3.  A circle of 20cm diameter is made at each hill.
4.  Dry surface of soil is removed with hand.
5.  6 to 8 seeds are scattered in each circle and covered by moist soil.
6.  First thinning is done 15 days after sowing and only 4 to 5 seedlings are kept in each circle.
7.  Second thinning is done 21 days after sowing and only 2 to 3 healthy seedlings are kept her circle.
8.  Seed rate is about 5kg/ha.
9.  This provides optimum space to every plant and ultimately result is higher yield.

c) Sowing in Plough Furrow:

1. Usually this method is followed for Rabi sowing.
2. It is followed when the upper soil surface is dry and lower layer of soil is moist.
3. It is followed to get good germination and proper utilization of soil moisture for plant growth.
4. A sarta or nari is tied behind the Deshi wooden plough and seed is sown.
5. Seed rate is 10 to 12 kg/ha.

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