Some of the Important Bulbous Plants


Some of the Important Bulbous Plants

1. Amaryllis (Star lily): 75-90 cm height. Flowers are trumpet shaped. The color of flowers varies from white to deep pink. Good for cut flowers.
Arusaema (Snake lily): Generally do well on the hills. The flowering spatha looks like cobra hood.

2. Begonia (Elephants year) – The Rex begonias are grown mainly for their large handsome ornamental leaves.

3. Belamcanda chinensis (Leopard flower) – 60-90 cm height. Grown all over India. The flowers are orange colored. Propagated by division. The spikes are used for table decoration.

4. Caladium – Widely grown for ornamental leaves. Deciduous. Can be grown in beds, pots and hanging baskets.

5. Canna species – Height 45-180 cm. This is a good plant for growing in beds in lawn. Propagated by division of rhizomes. Planting is done in June-July.

6. Crinum asiaticum (Cape lily) – Tall growing. The plants like swampy or marshy places. The flowers are produced profusely. Bears white flowers in umbels of 20 flowers.

7. Eucharis Qrandiflora (Amazon lily) – Plants are dwarf (20-40 cm) White scented flowers are borne in an umbel over a long scape. Thrives better in plains.

8. Gladiolus –It is ideal for cut flowers. The planting time is between Sept. Oct. Flowers are of different colors.

9. Gloriosa superb (Glory lily) j- It is found growing wild. The flowers are long lasting. At opening, the color is primrose yellow and later turns orange-red.

10. Haomanthus multiflorus (Football li9ly) – 45-50 cm height. The inflorescence is football like with many flowers dense umbel, blood reds in color.

11.  Hymenocallis littoralis (Spider lily) 30-60 cm tall; bears white fragrant flowers.

12. Polianthos tuberose (Rajani Gandha) – Produces white fragrant flowers on long spikes. Mostly for cut flowers.

13. Sinninqia speciosa (Gloxinia) – Bears bell shaped flowers (white, pink blue).Best suited for growing in pots, windows boxes.

14. Zantedeschia aethiopica (Arum lily) – Leaves are arrow shaped. The spathe is white oreamy at base. Suitable for hills.

15. Zephyranthes (Fairly lily) – 15-20 cm height; grass like foliage and crocus like flowers.

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