Some Defination in Horticulture


Some Defination in Horticulture

CrotchThe angel made by the attachment of a branch to the trunk or another branch.
DeheadingA severe heading back of major limbs of a tree.
Etuli (coase) Pruning.Removal of large limbs as contrasted to removal of larger number of small branches.
Fine PruningRemoval of small branches or twig over the entire plants, as’ contrasted to removal entire plants limbs.
Heading backRemoval of the terminal portion of twig or branch.
Heavy pruningRemoval of a large amount of wood from the plant. This may be either coarse or fine.
LeaderThe most prominent and upright branch through the Centre of the tree which tends to .dominate all others.
Prumng.The removal of plant parts for the purpose of increasing the value of the remaining parts.
Scaffold branchThe main branches arising difficulty from the trunk of the trees.
Secondary BranchesThe branches arising from the main branch.
ShootsNew growth which bears leaves,
SpurA shoot or twig of limited growth,
Thinning out Removal of an entire twig or branch at its point of origin.
Training Modification of from or shape by prunning. 
TrunkThe main axis of the plant from ground level to the point of branching.
TwigShoot growth new or dormant.
Water sproutA very vigours ( usually unbranched ) shoot arising out of, adventitious buds on main scaffold branches, on the leader ; or in the vicinity of large pruning wounds.
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