Selection of Wheat Seed and Seed Treatment for Sowing
Selection of Wheat Seed and Seed Treatment for Sowing
Selection of Wheat Seed for Sowing:
1. Well developed, bold seed should be collected from fully dried crop and stored separately.
2. The seed should be healthy and free from seed borne diseased.
3. It should be fee from admixture of weed seed.
4. It should be stirred one to two times during hot period of the day.
5. The dried seed should be then stored in gunny bags for sowing in new season.
Seed Treatment:
Organo Mercurial Treatment:
1. The seed be treated with mercurial fungicides like agroson, vitavex, thiram @ 2.5 to 3 gm/kg seed.
2. the treatment is given by using rotating type seed treating drum.
3. This treatment is given to prevent diseases like flag smut, foot rot, wilt etc.
Hot Water Treatment:
1. Wheat seed is soaked in hot water at 520 C temperature for 10 minutes before sowing.
2. This treatment is given for the control diseases like alternaria blight, smut etc.