Selection of Site


Selection of Site

Selection of site is per meant important in fruit industry the fruit plants are of a permanent in nature and mistakes communited in the outset are difficult to rectify at the later stage.

An orchard is a long term investment and deserves a very careful planning and organization. Any mistakes made initially in the selection of location, site, planning distance, soil, climate, irrigation facilities, varieties, and nursery and nursery plant material used, considerably reduce the returns on investment.

Several growers who establish orchard without proper planning has to repent later. And the failure not only result in the loss of capital and wastage of long range efforts of the growers but also proves detrimental to the spread of the gardening in the locality by making other prospective fruit grower apprehensive and difficult to invest their money in long arms, enterprises like fruit growing. It is therefore advisable to seek expert guidance of an experienced fruit grower before starting the enterprises.


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