Seed and Sowing- Seed Production Organizations

सोशल मिडीयात रंगली चर्चा


Seed and Sowing- Seed Production Organizations

Seed Production Organizations: There are two types of Govt. / Public sector organizations responsible for seed production & certification in India. The first type of organization is represented by the National Seeds Corporation (NSC) which has responsibilities for the entire country. The second types of organizations are State Seeds Corporation (SSCs) and State Seed Certification agencies (SSCAs) that have state-wise responsibilities.

National Seeds Corporation: The NSC was initiated in 1961 under the ICAR. Later, on 7th March, 1963, it was registered as a limited company in the public sector. It was established to serve two main objectives:

1) To promote the development of seed industry in India and
2) To produce & supply the foundation seeds of various crops.

The present functions of NSC may be summarized as:

a. Production & supply of foundation seed,
b. To maintain improved seed stocks of improved varieties,
c. Interstate marketing of all classes of seed,
d. Export & import of seed,
e. Production of certified seed where required,
f. Planning the production of breeder seed in consultation with ICAR,
g. Providing technical assistance to Seeds Corporation & private agencies,
h. Coordinating certified seed production of State Seed Corporation,
i. Conducting biennial surveys of seed demand,
j. Coordinating market research & sales promotion efforts,
k. Providing training facilities,
l. Providing certification services to states lacking established and independent seed certification agencies.

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