Rural Family


Rural Family

Family can be defined as a relatively permanent and socially sanctioned group of parent, and children. It may all so include near relatives of husband or wife as in case of joint family. The members of the family are relate to each other by blood or by marriage. The family as basic unit of all the societies. Almost all the human beings are born into family. When they matured they marry and establish families of their own. Membership in the family is permanent except for the withdrawal of the adult children or in case of family disorganization by divorce. Sometimes the term family includes all the members of group of person other than mother, father and their children who occupies a common dwelling place.

According to Maclver “family is a group defined by sex relationship sufficiently precise and enduring to provide for procreation and upbringing of children”. Ogburn and Nimkoff say, “Family is more or less durable association of husband and wife with children or of a man and women alone.”

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