Rising of Chilli Seedlings


Rising of Chilli Seedlings

1. Chilli seed is very light, thin and small and hence directly not sown in the field.
2. Seedlings are raised on the nursery beds of 4 m x 1.75m x 10 cm size.
3. 15 kg FYM (powder) is well mixed in the upper layer of the bed.
4. Seeds are taken from healthy well matured fruits and treated with ceresin for protection against seed borne diseases.
5. They are then mixed with fine soil or ash for thin and evenly sowing.
6. 1.5kg seed provides seedlings for planting on hectare.
7. Sowing is done in a line 10 cm apart and 2 cm deep.
8. Seeds are covered with a thin layer of soil and  a layer of paddy straw is spread on the beds to protect them from sunlight.
9. The straw is removed after the completion of germination within about 7 to 10 days.
10. Beds should be watered daily for first few days with watering can and then at an interval of 10 to 15 days.
11. Seedlings become ready for transplanting when they attain 13 to 15 cm height within 35 to 40 days.
12. Topping is done 8 to 10 days before transplanting to make seedlings sturdy and escape from leaf curl or mosaic disease.

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