Representative of Soil Sample


Representative of Soil Sample

The soil sample constitutes the largest single source of error in a soil testing programme. A poor sample is not only a waste of time and money but also leads to enonemous conclusions and recommendations which will prove costly to the cultivator.

Soil sampling is the most important step in good soil testing programme. The chemical analysis of the sample will measure the nutrient status of the soil and serve as a guide to profitable use of fertilizer. But soil test results can be no better than the sample collected to represent the field. Collection of representative soil sample is the most important step in soil testing programme.

Proper sampling tools are essential for collection of good soil sample. For a soft moist soil, the soil tuber auger, phawda , khurpi, are usually quite satisfactory. For dry and hard soils screw type auger are very useful. Post whole augers are useful for sampling excessive wet areas like paddy fields.

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