Properties of Humus


Properties of Humus

1. The tiny colloidal particles are composed of C, H, and O2. The colloidal particles are negatively charged (-OH, -COOH or phenolic groups), has very high surface area, higher CEC (150 – 300 cmol/kg), 4 – 5 times higher WHC than that of silicate clays.

2. Humus has a very favorable effect on aggregate formation and stability.

3. Impart black colour to soils.

4. Cation exchange reactions are similar to those occurring with silicate clays.

Clay – Humus Complex

Humus, the organic amorphous colloid supplies both basic and acidic ions which is transitory and ultimately disappears from soil. Clay, the inorganic crystalline colloid supplies chiefly the basic nutrient ions is more or less stable. Both these colloids form the soil colloidal complex and are extremely active and form important sources of plant nutrients.
It is believed that humus and clay exist in the soil as clay – humus complex, the two being held together by cations like Ca, Fe, etc. Depending upon the nature of binding cation, two types of Clay – humus complex have been recognized. The colloidal complex bound by Ca ions is more stable and is responsible for the favorable physical condition of the soil, particularly its structure. The other type where Fe acts as the binding agent creates a poor physical condition of the soils.

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