Planting Method and Planting Time for Potato Cultivation
Planting Method and Planting Time for Potato Cultivation
Planting Method:
1. Furrows are opened with the help of deshi plough at 35 to45 cm distance.
2. Basal dose of fertilizer is applied in furrows by hand.
3. Tubers are planted in the bottom of the furrow at 15 to 22.5 cm distance.
4. The tubers are covered with soil by opening the next furrow.
5. After planting the field is leveled by planker and flat beds are prepared.
6. Light irrigation is given to the beds.
Planting Time:
In M.S potato is mainly grown in kharif and rabi seasons:
1. Kharif : June-July (Satara and Ahmednagar districts)
2. Rabi : Oct.-Nov. (Pune and Nasik districts.)