Philosophy of Extension Education
Philosophy of Extension Education
Philosophy is a body of general principles or laws of a field of knowledge; it provides guidelines for performing the activities in life in a particular way. Different individuals have different philosophies of life, e.g. the traditional minded farmer and progressive farmer may react differently to the concept of artificial insemination of cows.
Philosophy of extension education includes the principles or guidelines with which to shape or mould the developmental programmes relating to that field. It provides to extension worker the basis for working out the programmes and the policies to be adopted in extension work. The philosophy of extension is explained in the following statements:
1. Extension has a philosophy of culture:
a. It respects culture of people.
b. It brings about cultural change through cultural development.
2. Extension has philosophy of social progress:
a. Its works is based on needs and desires of the people
b. It facilitates change and help people to adjust with them.
3. Extension has philosophy of education for all:
a. Disseminates useful knowledge to all people.
b. Regardless of personal, social and economic characteristics.
4. Extension has philosophy concerning teaching:
a. It teaches by doing:
i) Hearing – doubtful
ii) Seeing – possibly doubtful
iii) Do – believe
b. It reaches people to practice themselves.
c. Teaching is inadequate till the knowledge is put into practice.
5. Extension has philosophy of leadership:
a. Teaches, educates, and stimulates people through local leaders.
b. Utilizes assistance of voluntary leaders.
c. Locates, trains and uses functional leaders.
d. Extension trusts in what it can get others to do.
6. Extension has philosophy of local responsibility:
a. Encourages people to contribute increasingly in their own affairs.
b. Prepares suitable leaders to determine programmes and plans.
7. Extension has philosophy about truth:
a. Sells only proven facts.
b. Realise that going beyond truth will loose people’s faith in extension.
c. Continuously seeks new truth as today’s whole truth may be tomorrow’s partial truth.
8. Extension has philosophy of democracy:
a. Functions only with voluntary co-operation of the people.
b. Co-operation with the individuals, groups and institutions interested in common welfare.
c. Selects and solves the problems based on the felt needs through group action.
d. Democratic in organization.
9. Extension has philosophy of a dignity of individual and his profession:
a. Believes that each individual is endowed certain inalienable rights.
b. Dignifies the farm, home and family.
c. Holds that changed man is more important than the changed practice.
10. Extension personnel have philosophical characteristics:
a. Extension personnel have the right attitude, integrity and high sense of service.
b. Extension personnel have deep faith that man does not alive with bread alone.