Pests and Diseases of Onion


Pests and Diseases of Onion

A) Important Pests of Onion:

1. Onion thrips
2. Leaf eating caterpillar

1. Onion Thrips:

N. D:

1. This pest suck the sap from the leaves during night and in early morning.
2. Whitish spots are found on leaves which affects on the development of bulb.

C. M :

1. Application of thimate 10 G @ 10 kg/ha.
2. Spraying of Dimethoate 10 ml or endosulfan 20 ml in 10 lit water alternately at 15 days interval.
3. Spraying of 0.65% lindane solution.

2. Leaf Eating Caterpillar:

N. D:

Larvae feed on leaves and makes the holes on it and feed inside the leaves.

C. M:

1. Application of thimate 10 G @ 10 kg/ha.
2. Spraying of Dimethoate 10 ml or endosulfan 20 ml in 10 lit water alternately at 15 days interval.
3. Spraying of 0.65% lindane solution.

2. Leaf Eating Caterpillar:

N. D:

Larvae feed on leaves and makes the holes on it and feed inside the leaves.

C. M:

1. Application of thimate 10 G @ 10 kg/ha.
2. Spraying of Dimethoate 10 ml or endosulfan 20 ml in 10 lit water alternately at 15 interval.
3. Spraying of 0.65% lindane solution.

B) Important Diseases of Onion:

1. Damping off
2. Seedling blight
3. Downey mildew

1. Damping Off:

Damping off caused by excessive moisture in soil and controlled improving drainage.


1. This disease is found on seedlings in nursery.
2. The seedlings turn yellow and rottened at ground level.
3. Due to this, seedlings collapse on ground know as ‘damping off’.


1. Spraying of 1%. Bordeaux mixture or copper oxychloride 50 wp @ 25 kg in 10 liter of water.
2. Spraying of Bavistin @ 10 gm in 10 lit. water at 15 days interval.

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