Multipurpose Trees, Forest tree Combination with Plantation Crops and Agroforestry Fuel Wood Production


Multipurpose Trees, Forest tree Combination with Plantation Crops and Agroforestry Fuel Wood Production

 Multipurpose Trees / Shrubs on Farm:

In this system multipurpose tree species like Azadirachta indica, Cocos nutifera, Bamboo, Acacia species. Mango are scattered haphazardly or according to certain pattern on bunds terraces or bounders. The primary role of this system is to meet various needs of grower for food, fodder, timber, soil conservation or protection of farm.

Forest tree Combination with Plantation Crops:

Perennial trees and shrubs such as tea, coffee, coconut, and cocoa are combined into intercropping systems in numerous ways including;

a) Integrated multi story cropping of plantation crops.
b) Shade trees for plantation crops coffee and silver oak and Erythriva spp. Betel vine +sesbania spp. +Erythrina spp.
c) Intercropping with Agril. crops: Ginger/cardamum/ pepper/ are grown with trees.
d) Mixture of plantation crops in alternate arrangement.

Agroforestry Fuel Wood Production:

In this system, various multipurpose fuel wood / fire wood species are interplanted, on or around agricultural lands. The primary productive role as fencing, boundary demarcation tree spp. commonly used Acacia nilotica, Cassia siamea, Casuarina eqnisefifolia, Prosopes juliferous, Eucalyptus spp.

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