Micro Irrigation


Micro Irrigation

Micro irrigation is defined as the methods in which low volume of water is applied at low pressure & high frequency usually an irrigation interval is in the ranges of 1 to 4 days. The system has extensive network of pipes at operated at low pressure. At pre-determined spacing outlets are provided for emission water generally known as emitters.

Drip irrigation:

In drip irrigation the required quantity of water is applied by means of mains, sub mains, manifolds & plastic laterals in the with equally spaced emitters usually laid on the ground surface at low pressure & at low discharge at the root zone of the crop.


Advantage of drip irrigation

  1. Water saving is up to 40 to 60%

  2. Enhance the plant growth & increases the crop yield

  3. Savoring in level & energy most. Suitable for poor soil.

  4. Weed infestation is minimum

  5. Economy in cultural practices & easy operations.

  6. Chance of using saline water.

  7. Improve efficiency of fertilizers.

  8. Very flexible in operation

  9. No soil erosion.

  10. Easy installation, no land preparation.

  11. Minimizing quantity of produce.

  12. Enhances the maturity of the crop.



  1. High maintenance requirement.

  2. Salinity hazard

  3. Economy limitations (40,000Rs/ha)

  4. High technical know-how is required.

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