Methods Used for Determination of Organic Carbon
Methods Used for Determination of Organic Carbon
1. Total Organic Carbon of Soil:
a. Dry combustion in furnance.
b. Chromic acid oxidation followed by measurement of CO2 evolved.
2. Oxidisable Soil Organic Matter Determination:
a. Chromic acid oxidation with heat applied or by.
b. Chromic acid oxidation with spontaneous heating.
3. Total Soil Organic Matter by Weight Loss:
a. Oxidation with H2O2.
b. Ignition at moderate temperature.
c. Ignition after decomposition of silicates with HF-HCL.
4. Other Estimates of Organic Matter:
a. With total nitrogen content: Multiplication of N by 20 roughly approximate organic matter content.
b. With climate
c. With clay content.