Market Gardening


Market Gardening

It is that branch of vegetable growing whose object is to produce vegetables for the local market. It is one of the most intensive types of vegetable gardening where the most skilful methods for growing of vegetables for commercial purpose are employed. It is developing day by day according to the rise in population for meeting the needs of those persons who have no land. Formerly the market gardens were located near the cities within 16-24 kilometers radius but now-a-days, with the building good roads and the development of automobiles, the area has been extended considerably. Now vegetables are brought to mandates from distant village by trucks.

Due to transport facilities, markets are no longer local. Consumers can get vegetables even from a distance of 500 kilometers in off season. Now-a-days market gardening probably, supplies almost all the vegetables. Timely and proper irrigation facilities good seed, enough fertilizers and manures, abundant labor supply and easy transportation facilities are essential for market gardening. For market gardening crops like cauliflower, tomato, onion, pumpkin and other such vegetables are planted,. Market gardening is developing these days and there is a possibility of specialization in production of vegetables in the regions especially suited to the production some particular vegetables.

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