Manuring in Wheat Cultivation


Manuring in Wheat Cultivation

1. FYM to compost @ 25 to 30 c.l./ha is added at the time of land preparation before last harrowing.
2. Fertilizer dose for rainfed crop is 50kg N, 25KgP2O5 and 25Kg K2O/ha.
3. All NPK dose is applied at the time of sowing in case of rainfed crop.
4. Fetilizer dose for irrigated crop is 100Kg N, 50Kg P and 50Kg K/ha.
5. In this case ½ dose of N and full dose of P and K is applied at the time of sowing.
6. Remaining ½ dose of N is given after about 20 to 25 days at the time of first irrigation.

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