Management of Seed Testing Work


Management of Seed Testing Work

The following may be used as a guideline for managing the work in a seed testing laboratory for efficient handling of seed samples.

1. Receipt and Registration of Seed Samples:

The samples received in the laboratory should be entered in a pre-printed register or forms and assigned a test number to be used in all the analysis. The information, namely, name of the sender, type of sample, kind of tests required , crop , variety and class of seed etc. should be properly recorded. The samples especially received for moisture test in the moisture- proof containers should be passed on as such to the moisture test section after assigning the test no.

For speedy operation it would be desirable to simultaneously prepare separate seed analysis cards and envelops for working samples. The test no would invariably be written on each card and the envelop. These are passed on to the person responsible for preparation of the working samples. The entire work should be so organized that this work is completed the same day.

2. Moisture Test:

The samples intended for a moisture test requires special attention, because it may otherwise either lose or amy absorb moisture from outside. These samples after assigning the test no. should be passed on for moisture testing analysis without unnecessary delay.

3. Working Sample:

After entering the samples the next step is to prepare the working samples ( s) for various tests. To save time taken in completing the seed tests the first objective should be to prepare a working sample for the germination / viability test so as to limit the seed, testing time to the minimum time required to complete seed germination / viability test, as the case may be subsequently, if the seed cleaning on laboratory model machines or test weight determination , is desired , the same may be done at this time. The working sample envelopes for the various tests along with the corresponding analysis card should be serially placed in sample trays for sending to the concerned section.

4. Routine Tests:

In a seed testing laboratory, germination test, purity test, test for other seeds and moisture test are known as routine test. For all such crops where the analysis for diseased seed or other variety seeds is also desired on the routine basis ( as in the case of certified seed samples for the issuance of seed certification tags ) these tests should also be included in the routine tests. Every effort should be made to analyse the samples speedily so that there are no undue delays in sending the results. These tests must be done as per rules, that is , rules mentioned in the ‘Seed Testing Manual’.

5. Other Tests:

Every effort should be made to complete these tests as quickly as possible. These should be carried out as per available procedures. The name of the procedure adopted should, however be mentioned while reporting the results.

6. Reporting of Results:

After the tests have been completed, the results are reported on a printed form, known as, seed analysis certificate in the requisite manner. One of the common complaint against seed testing laboratories is “length of time”, that is, the days taken in sending the report. It is therefore important to ensure that there are no undue delays. The result of seed samples received from seed inspectors under the provision of seeds Act should be communicated within 21 days from the date of receipt but not later than 30 days in any case.

7. Storage of Guard Samples:

The submitted samples received by the seed testing laboratory, on which reports are issued, should be stored after analysis for one year from the date of issue of reports, in condition calculated to minimise any change in quality.

8. Maintenance of Records:

To serve the needs of seed certification, farmers and other applicants, it is essential that records are immediately available for any sample tested during the current year, season, or at any other specified time. The records should be maintained in such a manner that any information needed can be traced immediately.

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