Instructions for Dissection for Study of Female Reproduction System in Cockroach


Instructions for Dissection for Study of Female Reproduction System in Cockroach

Open the cockroach as described. Do not press the abdomen. Separate and remove the alimentary canal from the body. Carefully shake the fat bodies on the lateral sides and locate the tip of ovariole tubules of the ovaries lying embedded in the fat bodies. Remove the fat bodies and expose the ovary on each side. Lift up the ovary on each side and remove the fat bodies lying in between the ovary and sterna. Cut the part the sterna on the lateral sides and separate the ovaries on the sides and pin them. Carefully remove the median fat bodies and find out the Spermatheca. Observe the milky white branched colleterial glands. Remove the remaining fat bodies, trace lateral oviducts and common oviduct. Observe the ovaries short oviducts, common oviduct Spermatheca and collateral glands.

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