Insect Pest Control in Chilli or Capsicum Cultivation
Insect Pest Control in Chilli or Capsicum Cultivation
Insect Pests of Chilli:
1) Chilli Thrips:
Thrips is the common pest which effects the crop throughout its life cycle. But they are more severe when plants begin to flower. These small insects suck the sap from the foliage and lacerate the leaf tissue, which result in curling of leaves and fall down of flowers prematurely.
Control Measures:
Thrips can effectively be controlled by spraying carbaryl 50 W @ 3 gm or Zolene @ 3 ml or Dimethoate (Rogor 30 EC) or Monocrotophos (Monocil) tgi 1 ml per litre of water at fortnightly interval
2) Pod Borer:
The caterpillar oat leaves and later on bores the pod, which result in the deterioration of quality and market price of the product.
Control Measures:
The control measures are timely spraying the crop with quinalphos (Exalux-25 EC) @ 4 ml or carbaryl 50 W, (Sevin 50 W) @ 3 gm per litre of water, starting from flower bud formation.
3) Aphids:
Aphid suck the dap from the plants; they generally attack the crop in winter months and at the later stages of the crop. The quality of the produce is spoiled by imparting blackish colour to the Calyx and pods. They also serve as a Vector to Virus,
Control Measures:
The aphids can effectively be controlled by spraying the crop with Dimethoate (Rogor-30 EC) or Methyl Parathion (Metacid 50 EC) @ lm (or Phosphamidon (Demicron-100 EC) @ 0.5 ml per litre of whiter.