Improved Varieties of Tomato


Improved Varieties of Tomato

Improved Varieties:

Marglobe, Pusa Rubi, Roma, Sioux, Pusa early dwarf, Punjab chohara. Devgiri, ATV-1.

1. Bhagyashree:

Released during 1992 especially for processing purpose. Fruits are medium ‘to big (70- 80 g) and round in shape, dark red in colour, high lycopene content and low seed content Average yield is 520 quintals per hectare. (M.P.K.V. Rahuri).

2. Dhasashree:

Developed from a cross between 407D3P2DBK x LA-124 by employing pedigree method of selection and released in 1992. Fruits medium small (60-70 g) and round with orange colour. Tolerant to spotted wilt virus and leaf curl vims. It has high yield potential (600-800 q/ha). Suited for local fresh markets. (M.P.K.V. Rahuri).

3. Rajashree:

It is F1 hybrid developed for distant marketing and released in 1994. Plants are semi-indeterminate. Fruits are of medium size (60-80 g) with orange red colour having good keeping quality. It is less susceptible to TLCV.  Average yield is 750 quintals per hectare. (M.P.K.V. Rahuri).

4. ATV 1:

It is a determinate type of variety. Leaves are large with dark green colour. Fruits are medium size (90-95 g/fruit) pear shape with blood red colour, pulp colour is rosy and green. It is moderately resistant to early blight. It produces 400 – 500 quintals fruits in a hectare. It is released in 1985. (M.A-U. Parbhani) .

5. Devgiri:

Devgiri (ATV-2) is superior to ATV-1 and Pusa Ruby. Fruits are of medium size (90-95 g/fmit). Fruits have good taste and attractive colour. It is resistant to early blight and leaf curl virus diseases. Average yield is 5 50 quintals per hectare. (M.A.U. Parbhani).
6. ATH-1:

It is F1 hybrid between male sterile female ACC 2549 and male parent Hawai 7992. Average yield is 550 quintals per hectare. It has indeterminate growth habit.

Average fruit weight is 110-150 g TSS is 7.0 per cent and fruit colour is attractive red. It is resistant to early blight disease. (MLA.U. Parbhani).

7 .Vasimdhara:

It is the Fl hybrid between sterile female .PMSK -2 and male parent Kalyanpur T-2, recommended in 2000. Determinate type, fruit weight 70-75 g and colour is attractive red. Resistant to early blight and spotted wilt virus disease. Average fruit yield is 550 – 600 quintals per hectare.(MA.U. Parbhani).

8. Parbhani Yashisree:

It is recommended in 1999. It is a hybrid derivative of the interspecific cross between Lycoperscion esculentus x L. hirsutum and back cross to ATV-2. It is resistant to early blight and produces 13 per cent higher yield than Bhagyashree and ATV-2. Average yield is 600 quintals per hectare. (M.A.U. Parbhani).

9. Sonali:

It is a high yielding, good quality and bacterial wilt resistant variety. Sonali was released during the year 1986. It yields about 200-250 quintals per hectare, suitable for processing. It has good keeping and transport qualities. (BSKKV, Dapoli)

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