Following Points Should be taken into Consideration While applying Manures and Fertilizers


Following Points Should be taken into Consideration While applying Manures and Fertilizers

1. Manures and FYM release the nutrient very slowly hence its application should be done well in advance before flowering.

2. Nitrogenous fertilizers are readily, soluble in water and more loss in found to occur. Therefore it is advisable to supply nitrogenous fertilizers in split doses instead of applying the entire quantity at one time.

3. Phosphorus is required in large amounts in the early stages of growth. Kioireover all the phosphatic fertilizers are found to be slow acting and less mobile in soil. Therefore it is recommended that entire quantity of phosphatic fertilizers should be applied before planting or flowering.

4. Potassium is required throughout the crop growth but tie release of their nutrient in the soil is very slow. Therefore it is necessary to apply the entire quantity of potassic fertilizers before planting or flowering.

5. No manuring is to be done at flowering time and just before as it may lead to reduction and drop of blossom. After fruit set weak, trees can be given readily available nutrients without disturbing the soil deeply.

6. In rained trees, manuring should not be done during the dry periods as it will be harmful.

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