Field of Biological Control
Field of Biological Control
Study includes basic as well as applied aspects viz. introduction, conservation, augmentation of natural enemies for the regulation of pest population density.
Basic Studies:
It includes research on fundamental aspects like taxonomy, biology, physiology, genetics, Ecology and demography, behavior, culturing methods and nutrition.
Applied Studies:
Introduction of Natural Enemies:
Purposeful introduction of new natural enemies is usually based on the fact that many, if not most, agricultural pests have been accidentally introduced into the area concerned where there indigenous natural enemies have been designed. For example: Potato tuber moth is a native of South America but introduced in India via Italy along with seed potato.
Conservation of Natural Enemies:
Another approach to the enhancement of biological control would be to modify the environment in such a way that any adverse environment effect would be eliminated.
This phase of biological control deals with manipulation of natural enemies themselves in order to make them more efficient in the regulation of host population density.
Pest residue:
So as to conserve natural enemies there must be pest population at certain level.