Field Inspection Report – In Seed Technology
Field Inspection Report – In Seed Technology
Maharashtra State Seed Certification Agency Division /…..No.
( Seed certification report for ………………Ha.area)
1. Name of seed grower / Producer …………..Report No………
Village……………… Taluka………. District………Date of Inspection…….
2. Survey No of seed plot …………Time…………… From………. To………
3. Location of Farm…………..
4. Preveious Crop: Kharif……… Rabi…………… Summer………..
5. Name of Crop ………..Variety………..
6. Sour of Seed………..Class and Quantity of Seed…………….
7. Total acreage under seed production……………..
8. Acreage of field Inspection.
9. Sowing Date…………….
10. Spacing……………..
11. Stage of seed crop during inspection………….
12. Isolation distance ( mts) : a) North ……….. b) South……………. c) East………… d) West………….
13. Name and stage of growth of contaminants………………..
14. Field count (No of plants / heads – 100/500/1000):
Count No. | Off types | Other Crops | Weeds | Affected by seed borne diseases | Remarks i.e Names of Contaminants |
1 |
2 |
3 |
4 |
5 |
6 |
7 |
8 |
9 |
10 |
Total |
Average |
% |
15. Crop Condition…………………………….
16. Quality of Seed Production work……………………..
17. Thus this crop confirm the standards of seed certification……………..
18. Estimated seed yield( Qtls/ha)……………….
19. Remarks………………………………………
20. Was the seed grower or his representative was present at inspection time……………….
Signature of Seed Grower/His Representative. Signature of Inspector
Name :