Extension Education
Extension Education
Definition and Concepts:
The term extension was first used in the United States of America in the first decade of this century to con notes the extension of knowledge from land grant colleges to the farmers through the process of informal education. In India, extension work was primarily started by F.L. Brayne (1920) in Punjab the term community development and extension education became more popular with the launching of community development projects in 1952 and with the establishment of the national extension service in 1953, Since then, community Development has been regarded as a programme for all-round development of the rural people and extension education as the means to achieve this objective
Definition and Concepts:
1. Extension Education deals with practical items of information which is useful for rural people which solve their daily problems, specially those relations to agricultural production. (Thorat)
2. Extension Education is an integral behavioral science which contributes towards the understanding and formulation of methods and procedures for bringing planned change in human behavior.
3. Extension education is education for the betterment of people and for changing their behavior i.e. knowledge, skill and attitude.
4. Extension education is the dissemination of useful research findings and ideas among rural people to bring out desirable changes in their social and cultural behavior.
5. Extension education is an applied science consisting of contents derived from researches, accumulated field experiences and relevant principles drawn form the behavioral sciences synthesized with useful technology, in a body of philosophy, principles, contents, and methods focused on the problems of out at school education for adults and youths. (Lagans. J.P.)
6. Extension education in an applied behavioral science, the knowledge of which is to be applied for desirable changes in the behavioral complex of the people.
7. Extension is an education and its purpose is to change the attitude and its purpose is to change the attitude and practices of the people with whom the work is done.
8. Extension education is a science which deals with various strategies of change in the behavioral patterns of human beings through technological and scientific innovation for the improvement of their standard of living.
9. Extension is to teach a person how to think, not what to think, and to teach people, to determine accurately their own needs to find solution to their own problems and to help them acquire knowledge and develop convictions in that direction.
10. Extension is an out-of school system of education in which adults and young people learn by doing. It is a partnership between government, the land grant colleges and the people, which provider services and education designed to meet the needs of the people