Diseases of Bhendi
Diseases of Bhendi
1) Yellow Vein Mosaic or Vein Clearing Disease:
It is a most serious disease of bhendi, id severe cases the’ leaves as well as the fruits become yellow andruiting is badly affected. The disease is transmitted only by insect vector known as whit fly.
Control Measures:
i) Uprooting and burning the disease affected plants as soon as they are noticed is the best method to check the spread of this disease.
ii) The disease tolerant variety like pusa Sawani should be cultivated, in) Control of insect vector by spraying the crop with Dimathoate (Rogor-30 EC) or Monocrotophos (Monocil) @ 1 ml. per liter of water indirectly helps to check the speed of this disease.
2) Powdery Mildew:
Grayish mealy growth is found mainly on the lower surface of leves. The severely affected leaves turn yellow and drop off. The outbreak of this disease is associated with dry weather.
Control Measures:
The disease can effectively be controlled by dusting the crop with suplhur or Spraying with Wetable sulphur (0.1 to 0,2 percent) or -dincocarp (Karathane) 0.1 per cent or casan 0.4 per cent or Elosal 0.4 per cent at fortnightly interval.
3) Die Back:
In severe infestation, die back of the apical parts of the plant occurs. The fungus was shown to be seed borne.
Control Measures:
Seed treatment with mercuric chloride helps to check the spread of this disease.