Cultural Practices for Lentil Cultivation
Cultural Practices for Lentil Cultivation
1. Land is prepared by one ploughing and two harrowing.
2. It is grown in kharif as well as rabi season.
3. Sowing time in June – July in kharif and October – November in rabi.
4. Seedrate is 8 to 10 kg/ha.
5. Spacing is 30 x 10 cm.
6. Seeds are treated with rhizobium culture before sowing.
7. Sowing is done by drilling or broadcasting method.
8. One weeding and two hoeing are done for control of weeds.
9. Manuring: 3 to 5 tons FYM and 25 kg P2O5/ha.
10. Generally lentil is grown as unirrigated crop in the residual soil moisture but irrigation at pod development stage helps in getting more yield.