Common Classification of Agro- Forestry
Common Classification of Agro- Forestry
1. Agri- silviculture:
This system emphasizes rising of trees and cultivation of food crops and fodder crops in the available space between the trees. In the plantation of Leucaena. Field crops such as pigeon pea + back gram are grown successfully with least reduction in fodder yield of trees component. The wood yield of eucalyptus was found to increases in association with the intercrops of cassava + groundnut in Kerala in sloping laterite soils. Acacia Nilotica is raised on the bunds of rice fields and has high tolerance to water logging. It grows rapidly getting benefits from irrigation and fertilizer given to rice crop.
2. Silvi – pasture:
In the silvi- pastoral system, improved pasture species are introduced with tree species. In this system, grass or grass – legume mixture is grown along with the woody perennial simultaneously of the same unit of land. This is the best management for the wastelands, with marginal fertility. Multi- layered vegetation covers are very effective in controlling runoff and soil loss from erosion- prone areas. This system not only reduces surface runoff but also facilate infiltration and storage of rainwater in the soil profile. Grass Species: It should be palatable, high yielding and should be tolerate to shade and with good competing ability. Rotational grazing is effective in increasing the grazing potential and efficiency. Some suitable grasses are: Pennisetum pedicellatu, Cenchrus ciliaris, c. sehima nervosum, chrysopton fulvus, and Dichanthium annulatum.
3. Agri – horti system:
Agricultural crops are normally grown in the interspaced of fruit trees planted at a spacing of 5- 7 m apart. The fruit trees are managed for 30- 35 years and they give regular income. In addition, they also provide fuel wood and fodder. Intercultivated agriculture crops pro0vide seasonal returns. Fruit tress such as guava, custard apple, Ber phalsa, Jamun, bael, wood –apple and pomegranate are found promising under dryland situation. On marginal and wastelands, ber anona and citrus shown good promise. Millets, pulses or oil seeds can be grown as intercrops under fruit in the semi- Arid Tropics.
4. Agri –silvipasture:
It is the combination of agri- silviculture and silvi- pastoral system. Under this system farmers in dryland grown field crops and forest trees together up to a particular stage but in a later stage, the grasses are raised in place of field crops in the vacant space between the forest trees. Thus, there resource – poor farmers are assured if wood, agricultural products and grasses.
5. Agri- horti- Silvivulture:
In this system, fruit trees are grown along with crops and multipurpose tree species (MPTs).
Agri- Horti – Siliviculture is highly dicers in vegetation with highest productivity up to 25.8 t/ ha/ year.
6. Homestead agro forestry:
Forestry generally plant tree in and around their habitations, court yard, threshing floor and in the filed. These home gardens are aimed to satisfy the family needs of fuel, fodder and small timbers. They also fulfill the needs of fruits, vegetable, spices etc. The system of home gardens is, more prevalent in high rainfall area of Kerala and Tamil Nadu. In these regions, coconut and cash nut are the main crops. Several of animal are supported in most of the home gardens. The foliage from the is used as fodder.