Classification of Social Groups – According to Duration
Classification of Social Groups – According to Duration
The stabilized and relatively unorganized or short duration group can be of two types:
1. Permanent and
2. Temporary
1. Permanent:
The members remain together for great length of time and aware of the objective of the group. There are formalities and defined roles to play. The members are tied together by potential ties and formulates. The groups as a whole has permanent existence e.g. Family, Government Department etc.
2. Temporary:
Temporary groups are the mere collections of physical bodies and congregate in casual way on the street or on the stations. The size of such group is indefinite and they are unorganized. They do not remain together for great length of time. It has no division of labor and no system of statutes. The participants are all on one level because their attention is focused on one thing and interaction is uncontrolled. The individual as a member of the group is more aware of himself and his own interests and less aware of the group interests e.g. Crowd, Audience, and Mob.