Chemical Weed Control Sugarcane


Chemical Weed Control Sugarcane

Atrazine or Simazine @ 2 to 2.5 kg a.i /ha as pre-emergence spray about 4 to 5 days after plating. In raton crop apply after completing the basic requirement of ratoon management and about 4 to 5 days after giving the irrigation but before emergence of weeds.
Note: Do not disturb the soil for about 4 to 5 weeks after spraying the herbicides and also do not trample the soil at the time of application. Carry out spraying in reverse direction or take one furrow for spraying and use unsprayed furrow for walking. Both the herbicides are harmful to majority of pulses and vegetable crops. However ot harmful to maize as intercrop in sugarcane.


Mertibuzin ( Sencor 70% WP) as preemergence spray at Wapasa condition after planting in plant cane and after completing ratoon management in ratoon crop apply @ 0.7 to 1.4 kg a.e /ha. Post emergence application of 2,4-D @ 1.5 kg a.e/ha about one month after planting or about 45 to 50 days after planting depending upon weed intensity and weed growth.

Or Picloram @ 2 to 2.5 a.i /ha as post emergence spray. It is more useful against broad-leaf weeds which do not succumb to cheaper herbicide like 2,4-D.


For control of nutsedge and hariali in sugarcane use Glyphosate @ 2 to 2.5 kg a.i /ha as post emergence directed spray when the weeds are green and succulent. Apply the herbicides on weeds only and should not fall on the crop.

For sugarcane and vegetable like cabbage, okra, potato, oilseeds and pulse crops and onion intercropping in plant cane.

Fluchlorialin ( Basalin) @ 1 to 1.5 a.i/ha just before the first irrigation after planting (about 4 to 6 days after planting sugarcane)
Give one weeding about 45 to 50 days after planting.


Use Alachlor ( Lasso) @ 1.5 to 2 kg a.i /ha as pre-emergence spray as like fluchloralin.

3) Sugarcane: EPTC @ 2 kg a.i/ha as pre planting incorporation 


Dalapon @2 to 5 kg a.i /ha as post emergence spray at 6 leaf stage of the planting.


Alachlor @ 3 kg a.i /ha as pre-emrgence spray.

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