Characteristics of Mycoplasma like Organisms (MLOs)
Characteristics of Mycoplasma like Organisms (MLOs)
1. MLOc lack true cell wall and ability to synthesize the substances required to form a cell wall.
2. MLos are bounded only by a single triple layered unit membrane.
3. They are small, sometime ultra-microscopic cell containing micro cytoplasm, randomly distributed ribosome and strands of nuclear material.
4. They measure from 175 to 250 nm in diameter during reproduction but grow into various shapes and size lateron.
5. Shapes range from coccid or slightly ovoid to filamentous, sometimes, they produce branched myceloid structure.
6. They are capable of reproducing by budding and binary transverse fission on coccid and filamentous cell.
7. MLOs have no flagella, produce no spore and are gram-ve.
8. Nearly all MLOs are parasitic to humans and animals and all saprophytic. Once can be grown on more or less complex, Artificial nutrient media in which they produce minute, colonies , that usually have a characteristic “fried egg” appearance.
9. MLOs have been isolated mostly from healthy and diseased animals and human suffering from the disease of respiratory and urogential tracts ( associated with arthritic and nervous disorder of animals).
10. Most MLOs are completry resistance to penicillin, but they are sensitive to tetracyclic, chloramphenicol, some to erythromycin and to certain other anti biotics.