Caste System


Caste System

Every society has its caste system, which is an integral part of its social system. It is more or less impossible to away with the system. Caste system is an important characteristic of Indian society. It determines the relationship between the various groups and individuals. It is therefore necessary to have some knowledge about caste system in order to understand the structure and functioning of the Indian society. Caste system in India is based upon the birth while in other advanced countries. It is based upon the colour or the skin and wealth etc.

What is Caste System? According to Risley, “A caste may be defined as a collection of families or group of families bearing a common name which usually denotes or is associated with specific occupation claiming common descent from a mythical ancestor, human or divine, professing to follow the same professional calling and are regarded by those who are competent to give an opinion as forming single and homogeneous community”. A. W. Green while defining caste says, “Caste is a system of stratification in which mobility, mobility, movement up and down the status ladder at least ideally may not occur”.

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