Agricultural Seasons in India & Maharashtra


Agricultural Seasons in India & Maharashtra

Agricultural Seasons in India

In India four agricultural four seasons are present in year as per Indian metrological department as follows:
1. Winter Season: This season is called as cold weather period. January & February months are the cold months in the most parts of the country. Temperature distribution over India shows a marked decrease from south to north. In north India average temperature during this season is about 10-15 degree and in south India is about 21-28 degree. Weather during this period is cool, dry & pleasant with dewfall during morning. This period is practically rainless except occasional drizzles.

2. Summer Season: This season is also called as hot weather period / premonsoon season. This period is characterized by high temperature. The temperature is higher in north compared south. March to May month is the summer season. The weather gets hotter steadily from the beginning of March. April & may are the hottest months of the year. The average temperature is 30-40C. The rainfall receives during this period are mainly useful for preparatory cultivation. In this period hot wind blows & sometimes dust storms also take place. Some time these dust storms create problems due to their intensity for considerable period.

3. Rainy Season: This season is also called as south west monsoon. This is the most important period major rainy period in India about 60 to 75% of total rainfall in a year is received during this period. During this period climate is warm, humid with bright sunshine except on rainy days. Rainy season or monsoon is result of wind movements. Which in turn are caused by difference in air pressure? In early summer the sun heats large landmass of central & southern Asia and warm air rises. As it rises suction is created & the moist air across the Arabian Sea & the Bay of Bengal is pulled from the south-west direction. This creates south-west monsoons.

4. Post Rainy Season: This season is also called as post monsoon season or North-East monsoon. Rainfall received during this period is 13% to 33% of annual rainfall. The temperature high up to the mid of October and later starts falling rapidly. The October to December month is the duration for the post rainy season in India.

Agricultural Seasons in Maharashtra: In Maharashtra whole year is divided into three seasons as follows:
1. Kharif / Monsoon/Rainy season: 15 June to 15 October.
2. Winter/Rabi/Cool season: 15 October to 15 February.
3. Summer season: 15 February to 15 June.

These four seasons are further subdivided into six seasons based on rules:
1. Shishir (Jan to Feb)
2. Spring/Vasant (March to April)
3. Summer (May to June)
4. Rains/Varsha (July to Aug)
5. Fall/Sharad (Sep to Oct)
6. Hemant (Nov to Dec)

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