A Comparison of the Various Features of Vertical and Horizontal Disease Resistance
A Comparison of the Various Features of Vertical and Horizontal Disease Resistance
Sr.No | Feature | Vertical Resistance | Horizontal Resistance |
1 | Phenotype-specificity | Specific | Nonspecific |
2 | Nature of gene action | Oigogenic | Polygenic, rarely Oigogenic |
3 | Response to pathogen | Usually, hypersensitive | Resistant response |
4 | Phenotypic expression | Qualitative | Quantitative |
5 | Stages of expression | Seedling to maturity | Expression increases as plant matures |
6 | Selection and evaluation Risk of boom and bust suitable for 1. Host, 2. Pathogen | Relatively easy present (rarely durable) | Relatively difficult absent ( durable) |
7 | Need for specific development of resistant varieties | Critical for success with mobile pathogen | None |
8 | Need for other control measures | likely | Much less likely |
9 | Host pathogen interaction | Present | Absent |
10 | Commonly used , but not strict synonyms | Major gene, race-specific, seedling, monogenic, differential, specific, Pathotypes- specific resistance. | Polygenic, race non specific , Pathotypes- nonspecific , mature plant, adult plant, field, uniform resistance |
11 | Efficiency | Highly efficient against specific races | Variable but operates against all races. |