How To Check To See If Chilli Powder Is Adulterated At Home, As Per FSSAI


Red chilies are one of the most commonly used spices, and they’re commonly used in cooking to enhance flavor and color. However, did you ever think about how safe the red chili powder that you have been using is? Is it possible that it is adulterated?

Our grandmothers used to sun-dry fresh red chilies and then pounded them into powder, which was stored and used frequently. As we have grown more comfortable, we have begun to buy packaged red chili powder.

Why is it Adulterated?

Powdered spices are typically enhanced with adulterants to increase their bulk and color. Commonly, chili powder is adulterated with brick powder, salt powder, or talc powder. Often, crushed husks or wood can be used to increase the weight of packaged spices, and artificial colors can also be used to improve the look and feel.

Brick Powder is Dangerous!

Crushed bricks are often used to produce brick powder. The color and texture of this powder are similar to chili powder. Because of this, it is often used as an adulterant. It is very dangerous for health and causes serious consequences to the body if consumed on a regular basis. So, it’s crucial to check the presence of brick powder in your chili powder.

Easy Steps to Check Adulteration in Red Chilli Powder at Home:

Let’s do a simple test at home to find out if the red chili powder you are using is tainted:

  • Pour a glass of plain water with a teaspoon of chili powder. Examine the residue.
  • Rub a small quantity of the residue between your fingers.
  • In the event of grittiness after rubbing, the red chili powder is adulterated with brick powder/sand
  • It is likely that there is soapstone present in the residue if it feels soapy and smooth
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